Alliance Data

Alliance Data's email is and Alliance Data's phone number is 214-494-3000 .

Alliance Data Systems provides marketing, loyalty, and credit solutions in the United States, Canada, and other countries. It operates through various consumer marketing channels. Its marketing channels includes in-store, online, catalog, mail, telephone, email, mobile, and social media markets. It operates through three segments: LoyaltyOne, Epsilon, and Private Label Services and Credit. The LoyaltyOne segment owns and operates the AIR MILES Reward Program, a coalition loyalty program.  Epsilon provides integrated direct marketing solutions that leverage transactiona...

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Alliance Data Systems provides marketing, loyalty, and credit solutions in the United States, Canada, and other countries. It operates through various consumer marketing channels. Its marketing channels includes in-store, online, catalog, mail, telephone, email, mobile, and social media markets. It operates through three segments: LoyaltyOne, Epsilon, and Private Label Services and Credit. The LoyaltyOne segment owns and operates the AIR MILES Reward Program, a coalition loyalty program.  Epsilon provides integrated direct marketing solutions that leverage transactional data to help clients acquire and build relationships with its customers. The Private Label Services and Credit segment provides credit card processing, billing and payment processing, customer care, and collections services for private label retailers along with other services such as security services for credit cards and more. Alliance Data Systems was established in 1996 and is headquartered in Plano, Texas. It serves financial services, specialty retail, grocery and drugstore chains, petroleum retail, automotive, hospitality and travel, telecommunications, and pharmaceutical markets.

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View Top Employees for Alliance Data
Industry Marketing And Advertising
Location Columbus, Ohio, United States
Employees 15,979
Founded 1996
HQ 7500 Dallas Parkway Suite 700
Phone 214-494-3000
Competitors Wpp, Omnicom, Publicis Groupe, Private Company, Govt, Publicis Media,
Industry Marketing And Advertising
Location Columbus, Ohio, United States
Employees 15,979
Founded 1996
HQ 7500 Dallas Parkway Suite 700
Phone 214-494-3000

Top Alliance Data Employees