
DHL is a division of the German logistics company Deutsche Post DHL that provides international express mail services. Deutsche Post is a large-scale logistics company operating around the world. DHL provides world market services both in sea and air mail. DHL was primarily interested in offshore and inter-continental deliveries, but the success of FedEx prompted its own intra-U.S. expansion starting in 1983. DHL aggressively expanded to countries that could not be served by any other delivery service, including the Soviet Union, Eastern Bloc, Iraq, Iran, China, Vietnam,...

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DHL is a division of the German logistics company Deutsche Post DHL that provides international express mail services. Deutsche Post is a large-scale logistics company operating around the world. DHL provides world market services both in sea and air mail. DHL was primarily interested in offshore and inter-continental deliveries, but the success of FedEx prompted its own intra-U.S. expansion starting in 1983. DHL aggressively expanded to countries that could not be served by any other delivery service, including the Soviet Union, Eastern Bloc, Iraq, Iran, China, Vietnam, and North Korea. Deutsche Post then effectively absorbed DHL into its Express division, while expanding the use of the DHL brand to other Deutsche Post divisions, business units and subsidiaries. Originally founded in 1969 to deliver documents between San Francisco and Honolulu, the company expanded its service throughout the world by the late 1970s. DHL was founded in 1969 and is based in Bonn.

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View Top Employees for Dhl
Industry Logistics And Supply Chain
Location Bonn, Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany
Employees 84,874
Founded 1969
HQ Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 20
Funding 32,000,000 SEK
Competitors Dhl Supply Chain, Kuehne + Nagel, Xpo Logistics, Inc., Db Schenker, S.F. Express Co. Ltd, C.H. Robinson,
Industry Logistics And Supply Chain
Location Bonn, Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany
Employees 84,874
Founded 1969
HQ Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 20
Funding 32,000,000 SEK

Top Dhl Employees