Gray Area Foundation For The Arts

Gray Area Foundation For The Arts's email is and Gray Area Foundation For The Arts's phone number is (415) 843-1423 .

Gray Area Foundation for the Arts (@GAFFTA) brings together the best creative coders, data artists, designers, and makers to create experiments that build social consciousness through digital culture. GAFFTA is the nation's leading organization dedicated to furthering the use and advancement of creative technology for social good. In this capacity, we maintain relationships with the world's top academic researchers, innovative corporations, visionary artists, and civic leaders. By continually engaging and connecting this diverse community with challenges and opportunitie...

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Gray Area Foundation for the Arts (@GAFFTA) brings together the best creative coders, data artists, designers, and makers to create experiments that build social consciousness through digital culture. GAFFTA is the nation's leading organization dedicated to furthering the use and advancement of creative technology for social good. In this capacity, we maintain relationships with the world's top academic researchers, innovative corporations, visionary artists, and civic leaders. By continually engaging and connecting this diverse community with challenges and opportunities, we extract forward-thinking technological solutions with proven capacity to create positive change Money raised from fundraisers, such as Gray Area's Seaquence or the annual Galvanize Gala, go directly back into pairing digital artists with civic or institutional projects. Our stakeholders include: neighborhoods & municipalities digital artists communities touched by the data we analyze urban planners & planning officials community non-profits local service organizations

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View Top Employees for Gray Area Foundation For The Arts
Industry Museums And Institutions
Location San Francisco, California, United States
Employees 25
Founded 2008
HQ 923 Market St
Phone (415) 843-1423
Competitors Smithsonian Institution, Mod. At Unisa, The Metropolitan Muse..., Kronopol, The Art Institute Of ..., Tate,
Industry Museums And Institutions
Location San Francisco, California, United States
Employees 25
Founded 2008
HQ 923 Market St
Phone (415) 843-1423

Top Gray Area Foundation For The Arts Employees