

Hdr's phone number is 4025485071 .

HDR specialize in engineering, architecture, environmental and construction services. While we are most well-known for adding beauty and structure to communities through high-performance buildings and smart infrastructure, we provide much more than that. We create an unshakable foundation for progress because our multidisciplinary teams also include scientists, economists, builders, analysts and artists.
View Top Employees for Hdr
Website hdrinc.com
Industry Design
Location Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Employees 9,693
Founded 1917
HQ 1917 S. 67th Street
Phone 402-548-5071
Competitors Ayatama Energi, Trisc..., Ministry Of Education, Any Studios, Stantec, Atkins, Arup,
Website hdrinc.com
Industry Design
Location Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Employees 9,693
Founded 1917
LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/hdr
HQ 1917 S. 67th Street
Phone 402-548-5071