
LinkedIn is a professional networking site that allows its members to create business connections, search for jobs, and find potential clients. The site also enables its users to build and engage with their professional networks, access shared knowledge and insights, and find business opportunities. LinkedIn offers an array of Business Solutions including: Talent Solutions to help companies hire by enabling them to source and develop talent and post jobs on LinkedIn; Marketing Solutions to help companies drive brand awareness and generate leads through LinkedIn advertis...

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LinkedIn is a professional networking site that allows its members to create business connections, search for jobs, and find potential clients. The site also enables its users to build and engage with their professional networks, access shared knowledge and insights, and find business opportunities. LinkedIn offers an array of Business Solutions including: Talent Solutions to help companies hire by enabling them to source and develop talent and post jobs on LinkedIn; Marketing Solutions to help companies drive brand awareness and generate leads through LinkedIn advertisements; Sales Solutions to help companies find prospects and close deals; Learning Solutions to help companies develop their employees' skills. Additionally, LinkedIn provides premium subscriptions for general professionals to manage their professional identities. LinkedIn was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, United States. It was acquired by Microsoft in December 2016.

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View Top Employees for Linkedin
Industry Internet
Location Sunnyvale, California, United States
Employees 36,309
Founded 2003
Funding 154,800,000 USD
Competitors Amazon, Google, Tencent, Uber, Youtube, Facebook,
Industry Internet
Location Sunnyvale, California, United States
Employees 36,309
Founded 2003
Funding 154,800,000 USD

Top Linkedin Employees