

N8n.Io's email is hello@n8n.io .

n8n is a free and open node-based Workflow Automation Tool. It can be self-hosted, easily extended, and used with third party web applications or custom in-house tools to automate repetitive tasks. With n8n, for the first time, people can move beyond simple integrations to build multi-step workflows that combine both 3rd party APIs and your own internal tools to create easy to use automations that snap together all the pieces of what would otherwise be very complex, disconnected systems. n8n is headquartered in Berlin and was founded by Jan Oberhauser in 2019.
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Website n8n.io
Industry Information Technology And Services
Location Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Employees 15
Founded 2019
Website n8n.io
Industry Information Technology And Services
Location Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Employees 15
Founded 2019
LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/n8n
Email hello@n8n.io
Funding 13,500,000 USD

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